This post deserves balloons, moving letters, confetti, and clapping hands – low dose Naltrexone (LDN) is such amazing stuff for some people! 🎈🎉 👏
You may have read my post about how LDN helped my happy patient Jim. LDN is becoming more and more widely known by the integrative medicine community as a modulator for autoimmune reactivity. Dr. Bihari discovered it accidentally in 1985 and ’86 working with heroin-addicted AIDs patients. It is the same drug as Naloxone or Narcan which has been on the news for its role to save lives of people who have overdosed. The doses they use for a drug overdose is 50-100mg. For autoimmune disease, the dose used is usually 2-4.5mg.
The gift of LDN is that it stimulates the nervous system to secrete large amounts of endorphins. These endorphins quell fear, pain, move blood into the brain and muscles, and correct and boost the immune system. Boosting the immune system may sound bad for someone who’s immune system is already overworking and attacking normal tissues. But on the contrary, LDN seems to correct the attack signals and stop the progression of MS, rheumatoid arthritis, eczema, psoriasis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, and diabetes. It is even being used to treat depression, autism, and Crohn’s disease. During Dr. Bihari’s research, he was able to stop some cancers and slow down the progression of AIDs in his patients.
My patient Jim had a mysterious pain that we didn’t know the source of. But, I did know he had Hashimoto’s so I thought there was a chance that LDN would help him, and it did!! I’ve used it successfully in fibromyalgia pain and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis as well.
The organization, The LDN Research Trust has published The LDN Book. On its reviews, Dr. Thomas Cowan writes, “As a practicing physician who has used LDN as a cornerstone therapy for over fifteen years, I can say without equivocation that LDN is the most important and successful medicine I have ever used. I often joke that if not for LDN I couldn’t pay my mortgage.”
If you have an autoimmune disease or have a mystery chronic condition and are not on a narcotic pain medicine, it might help you. Based on the latest research I’ve reviewed, LDN can improve or reverse these conditions in about 60% of cases. It has one side effect which is some difficulty sleeping, though some of my patients don’t mind that because they notice a significant increase in energy.