

‘Forest Bathing’ to Care for the Whole

I named my clinic Whole Woman Health because healthcare for the WHOLE woman (and man, too) is something I value. To be fully well and balanced, it’s essential we tend to the three elements of well-being – mind, body and spirit. And while each element contributes equally to wellness, we tend to live our day-to-day lives on auto-pilot, seeking quick fixes and that deliver immediate gratification easily found in our drive-thru society. As a [...]

Why We Encourage Flu Prevention vs. Vaccination

Last month’s post shed light on flu vaccination pros and cons as well as our perspective. For those of you who believe it’s in your best interest to identify other prevention avenues, this article is for you. Finding your way to Whole Woman Health tells us you’re conscientious, curious and courageous about finding complimentary avenues for your well-being. We respect the ownership you have in your health and, as a result, feel compelled to [...]

My Hormone Journey

Since our presentation a couple of weeks ago on the BioTe method of hormone optimization, I started thinking of my own experience with hormone balancing. It has taken a lot of different forms since I like to experiment on myself. In my early 40s I was taking classes with an herbalist. For foundational support, she recommended I drink dandelion root tea, then use a rotation of herbal infusions including Oatstraw, Nettles, and Redclover. It [...]

Family Planning at Whole Woman Health

One of the ways I serve my patients is to provide family planning counsel and options for birth control. Birth control alternatives have come a long way since the high-dose contraception pills of our mother’s era. The wide variety of contemporary options make it easier to stick with — and have better control over —your chosen method than ever before. Some of the options I talk to my female patients about include: BIRTH CONTROL [...]

What to Eat to Reduce Inflammation

Almost every client that walks through my door is dealing with some degree of inflammation. In fact, one of the most common questions I hear from clients is how to eat to lower inflammation. In most cases, I start by recommending a Paleo diet. This emphasizes proteins (meat, nuts, seeds, eggs), along with fruits and vegetables, with little to no processed or packaged foods. Aim for a wide variety of colorful fruits & veggies, [...]

Brain Health

One of the hazards of being in health care is learning about one’s risks of various diseases. While I am convinced that our beliefs and thoughts are most important – which means focusing on the positive is best – I know I have a gene that puts me at risk for Alzheimer's disease. So lately one my favorite researchers to listen to is Daniel Amen. I’ve listened to him speak on interviews and talks [...]

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