The crispness in the air prompts thoughts about a spectrum of topics – winter weather, the holidays and, thanks to highly visible flu shot promotions this year due to the pandemic, consideration about whether or not to get a flu shot. As with any topic, a variation of perspectives can make reaching a decision difficult. This post sheds light on all angles, encourages you to decide what’s best for you and offers our perspective.
Saying “yes” to the flu vaccine is the overwhelming consensus of many in the medical community.
Proponents of the vaccine aim to debunk the myth that receiving the flu vaccine causes the flu. The fact that the viruses in the vaccine are dead is a critical point: a dead virus cannot infect you. The vaccine can, however, cause you to experience muscle aches, a low-grade fever and discomfort at the injection site – all signs that your immune system is responding to the vaccine.
As the acceptance rate of a more natural approach to health escalates, the idea of nurturing our innate immunity is worth exploring. Frequent hand washing with regular soap (not anti-bacterial) and a healthy lifestyle are far better and safer ways to prevent the onset of the flu than any pharmaceutical medication or vaccine on the market. Dataprovided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), shows that the flu shot has been found to be remarkably ineffective. In addition, it’s filled with toxins and has never been tested for long-term safety.
Consider that the flu vaccine:
- Doesn’t prevent 98.5 percent of adults from getting the flu even when vaccinated
- Includes a manufacturers’ insert advising caution for pregnant women
- Hasn’t been tested for potential to cause cancer or infertility
- Hasn’t been tested for safe use on children
- Is created by manufacturers after researchers make an educated guess on which three or four strains (out of more than 200 viruses) will be the most prevalent and potent
- Is not mercury free-Most clinics providing vaccines use multi dose vials which are preserved with mercuries, known to be toxic.
Although most would agree that vaccines are a powerful advancement of modern medicine, they need to be used judiciously. Considering there’s no single virus that causes the flu, there is no one flu vaccine that protects against all of them. Notice the use of the word “protect”vs. “prevent”. Flu vaccines don’t truly “prevent”. Rather, the purpose of the vaccine is to reduce the flu’s severity. In other words, you may not be as sick with the vaccine as you might have been without it.
Our Perspective
Everyday we hear women’s stories that are focused on reclaiming their health as they become more mindful + aware of what’s occurring within them. Mounting research suggests that vitamin D deficiency may be a major cause of influenza. People with the lowest vitamin D levels report having significantly more colds and flu cases. Taking a vitamin D supplement cuts respiratory infection rates by 50 percent.
If you’ve experienced a compromised immune system, we encourage you to consider making an appointment to have your vitamin levels tested. We believe the flu is preventable by making conscientious lifestyle choices. There are also natural supplements which can help boost the immune system. Such choices will be the subject of next month’s post. We’ll also share the list of common ingredients found in flu vaccines so you can decide what’s best for you.