Do you suffer from bladder infections? Sinus infections? Unexplained skin rashes? Or do you wonder why you have joint pain, trouble concentrating, or difficulty sleeping?  You could be experiencing a yeast overgrowth of the fungus Candida.

Candida is the most common fungus in the human body and is found in areas like the mouth, digestive tract, rectum and vagina. It is generally harmless as the healthy bacteria in our gut keeps the fungus in check. However, if there is a microbial imbalance or our immune system is not functioning properly, a candida infection can cause digestive problems and can spread to other areas of the body, including the blood, skin and membranes around the heart or brain.


Antibiotics  The problem with broad spectrum antibiotics is they don’t discriminate between good bacteria and bad. They kill’em all! After a round of antibiotics your gut can be a breeding ground for candida.

Diets high in refined sugar Your sweet-tooth could be contributing to your symptoms. Candida is a yeast that feeds on refined carbohydrates such as sugar and alcohol. Worse, an overgrowth can increase your cravings for those foods, too.

Cancer treatments Chemotherapy and radiation can kill healthy bacteria the same way antibiotics do, leaving your system unprotected and open to Candidial overgrowth.

Diabetes Since candida is a type of yeast and sugar feeds yeast, it is understandable that those with diabetes are at a greater risk for developing candida overgrowth syndrome.

Weakened immune systems Those with inflammatory and autoimmune conditions are at increased risk for developing a candida overgrowth.

The candida diet, sometimes referred to as the Candida Protocol, is a means to alleviate the symptoms of candida infections. It excludes sugar, gluten, alcohol, certain dairy products and harmful additives while encouraging low-sugar fruits, non-starchy vegetables and gluten-free foods. Combined with increased water consumption, it aims to starve the candida, and flush it out of your system.

By adding fermented foods such as kefir, kimchi and sauerkraut into your diet, you introduce healthy probiotics to help bring the gut biome back into balance. Additional probiotics can be taken as supplements but make sure to choose high-quality brands containing 6-8 different strains of bacteria tested to have 50 billion colony forming units (CFUs) or more.

Overall, the candida protocol is designed to reduce inflammation and incorporate wholesome foods that may benefit your gut and reduce the risk of candida over time. If you feel like a yeast overgrowth is affecting your health, adopt this diet for four to six weeks and notice how your symptoms improve. We can add some anti-fungal supplements along with an intestinal cleanse and nutritional support if your overgrowth doesn’t respond to a diet protocol.